Green rain solutions proudly uses ChargePoint EV Charging Stations with our Hospitality Partners

Enhance the Allure of Your Destination

Premium Electric Vehicle Charging Services

Enhance the Allure of Your Destination

Premium Electric Vehicle Charging Services

Is Your Destination Prepared for EV-Driving Guests?

Entice additional visitors: Electric vehicle (EV) sales surged by 81% in 2018, and the trend shows no signs of slowing down. Today, virtually every major car manufacturer either offers EVs or has plans to introduce them.

Captivate high-spending guests: Electric vehicle (EV) drivers earn twice the national average income. By providing charging facilities, you’ll attract their patronage

Position Your Brand as a Pioneer in Sustainability: Installing EV charging stations at your business sends a clear message to potential guests that you’re leading the way in environmental consciousness

Maximize Your Return on Investment: Networked EV charging allows drivers to locate your business without any additional cost. With incentives and subscription-based pricing, it becomes an affordable solution for any establishment

By installing green rain solutions smart EV charging stations, you’ll not only attract new customers, but you’ll also align with your sustainability goals. Our chargers will enhance your hotel’s appeal to EV drivers, position you as an eco-leader and get rave reviews on platforms like

Facilitating EV Charging for Your Guests Has Never Been Simpler

Customized Solutions for Your Business Needs: Our rigorously tested hardware technology ensures safety, reliability, and resilience against the elements. Guests enjoy a premium, user-friendly charging experience.

Streamlined EV Charging Management: Our user-friendly dashboard provides all the tools you need. Our unified software ensures your systems stay current with the latest features, avoiding expensive future upgrades.

Comprehensive EV Charging Solutions: Our world-class products and support cater to your needs throughout your EV charging journey. Whether it’s subscription pricing, site planning, installation, setup, or ongoing maintenance, Green Rain Solution has you covered.

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